

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

12 Month Update!

Talk about the fastest year of my life! Being able to watch these sweet little baby of mine grow to be the crazy wild one year old she is today, such a blessing! This one kind of snuck up on us, but yes, my baby girl is officially a toddler! (though she will always be my baby)

"1 already???"

  • 17 lbs, 26.5 inches
  • 2 teeth
  • You are walking everywhere
  • Eating anything and everything in sight!
  • You can get into the standing position without pulling up on anything
  • You take 1 nap and usually only wake about 2 times through the night
  • You love to be chased
  • You can blow kisses
  • You say "hi" "baba" "mama" "dada" "ball"
  • You can sign "please" and "more"