So I was tagged by my lovely mama friend Rachel (if you aren't following her blog, well... stop that nonsense and follow it)! So this tag came at a perfect time, today I decided a little photo shoot with miss Morgan was a long over due so we were just playing around in the living room and I was practicing with my indoor lighting photography skills (or lack there of....) So that's what I am doing today with my sweet little one, here are some of the results:
How cute is she?! I know I'm a little biased because I'm her mother... but sometimes I can't even handle it! Or as some would say...."I can't even" ;)
Hahah she's pretty skeptical... ya?
If I could give one piece of advise to new moms, expecting moms and even people who just plan on having kids someday... take A LOT of pictures!! You will not regret it! Spam your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter! Whatever it is you use, or just keep them on your computer... either way, take them! I try to do a "photo shoot" type thing with Morgan at least monthly, plus I take pictures of her pretty much daily on my cellphone. I love being able to look back and see how much she has changed and grown and I cannot wait to show her all the pictures when she is older :) This goes for videos as well! I'm trying to be better about that myself, I've even been throwing around the idea of starting some sort of "vlog"... but we'll see! (yes? no? input is appreciated). So any who, that was kind of my "What am I doing Wednesday" with some advice! Hope you enjoyed, Thank you for tagging me and inspiring me to write this Rachel! You rock ;) <3
*Here's how photo shoots with a curious baby really go*
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