

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy 6 months to my sweet little girl! It feels like I blinked and a half a year went by. I don't even remember what life was like before I had you, you have been such a blessing to our family! Watching you go from a little tiny baby who just laid sweetly in my arms to this rolling, cooing, scooting everywhere 6 month old has been just crazy.  It seems like every day you are getting smarter and having more and more personality (and sassiness.. not sure where that came from! hehe).  

6 Month update

  • You were 13lbs and 23 1/2 inches at your last check up.
  • You love Happy Bellies Organic Brown Rice Cereal and avocado.
  • You stopped sleeping through the night due to teething (Mom is tired!).
  • You are a teething drooling mess, I hate seeing you in pain.
  • You try to scoot everywhere but end up just rolling, it's adorable!
  • Everything you grab goes straight to your mouth.
  • Your favorite toy is your teether from Pippa&Ollie.
  • You aren't a big fan of being in your carseat.

         We love you so much Morgan! Oh and Happy Halloween!