Hey friends! So I ordered this adorable little romper for Morgan, so naturally I had to get out there a snap some pictures of her in it! I absolutely LOVE this piece! It is so soft light weight, perfect for warm summer days. Check out their shop and get your littles in one! LittleRascalsApparel :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
Friday, June 12, 2015
Beautiful day in the PNW!
So the weather here in Washington has been nothing short of PERFECT these last few days! Today we went on a walk at one of our favorite places- the Nisqually Wildlife refuge. We actually did maternity pictures there as well as family pictures when Morgan was just 2 months old, so it was only fitting to snap a few of the three of us together.
This picture is courtesy of the stroller snack try and my camera's timer setting..haha :) Whatever works, right?!
Part of the reason I wanted to come here is to get some shots of this adorable little dress I got for Morgan from The Vintage Crown, I cannot get over how adorable this thing is!
My little princess wanted to check out the dirt! hahah <3
Friday, June 5, 2015
My Goofy Girl!
So in an attempt to expand my knowledge of photography and get more familiar with my camera, i'm starting to take more pictures! I know what you're thinking, "Jamie, you already take soooo many pictures" hahah I know, I know.. it is true, however i'm trying to do more with my camera not my cellphone! These are from today. The weather was great and Morgan was feeling extra sassy! ;)
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
12 Month Update!
Talk about the fastest year of my life! Being able to watch these sweet little baby of mine grow to be the crazy wild one year old she is today, such a blessing! This one kind of snuck up on us, but yes, my baby girl is officially a toddler! (though she will always be my baby)
"1 already???"
- 17 lbs, 26.5 inches
- 2 teeth
- You are walking everywhere
- Eating anything and everything in sight!
- You can get into the standing position without pulling up on anything
- You take 1 nap and usually only wake about 2 times through the night
- You love to be chased
- You can blow kisses
- You say "hi" "baba" "mama" "dada" "ball"
- You can sign "please" and "more"
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
11 Month Update!
11 months already! We have had soo many big changes since our last update. I still can't believe a year has almost passed, if anyone can tell me how to slow down time that would be greatly appreciated! ;)
New this month:
- You are walking! Not all the time but you can let go and take anywhere from 3-10 steps before falling.
- You have TWO TEETH! Your bottom two teeth came through, (L) 3/16/14 and (R) 3/17/14.
- You have been sleeping throughout the night for the most part.
- You take one longer nap during the day
- You know how to wave, you put your hands up when we ask "how big is Morgan?" (you've been doing that since around 10 months)
- You LOVE books, we try and read to you every day!
- We had you baptized on 3/1/2015
- You met your Great Grandma Kerns, she flew here all the way from Arkansas to meet you and be at your baptism!
New this month:
- You are walking! Not all the time but you can let go and take anywhere from 3-10 steps before falling.
- You have TWO TEETH! Your bottom two teeth came through, (L) 3/16/14 and (R) 3/17/14.
- You have been sleeping throughout the night for the most part.
- You take one longer nap during the day
- You know how to wave, you put your hands up when we ask "how big is Morgan?" (you've been doing that since around 10 months)
- You LOVE books, we try and read to you every day!
- We had you baptized on 3/1/2015
- You met your Great Grandma Kerns, she flew here all the way from Arkansas to meet you and be at your baptism!
It was so special to have the 4 generations together.
Seriously the cutest girl I ever did see!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Party Planning!
I still cannot get over how soon my little baby is turning one!! I've been having so much fun browsing Pinterest and after a lot of thinking it over, i've finally got some ideas set in stone! I made this set as a little sneak peak of what her party will be like :) I cannot wait to start getting everything together for it and am excited to celebrate with friends and family.
Let me know what theme you did for your little ones first birthdays! I went back and forth on sprinkles and owls, as well as a few others.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Morgan's 10 month update
10 Months! My my! I am going to keep this update short and simple, A lot hasn't changed since last month! We are about to start making plans for Morgan's first birthday, I can't even believe I am saying those words, it still feels like just yesterday that we brought her home..
Big girl!!
You are 16lbs 8oz, 25.5 inches long
You have mastered the sippy cup and using a straw
You love to eat!
You can stand unassisted for a while
You are in 9m clothes
You love to play outside
You love to get into everything!
You hate diaper changes
"I never want her to think that the whole world revolves around her, but I want her to know, without a doubt, that my whole world does."
Tutu love!!
9 Month Update!
I can't even believe I'm typing these words right now... 9...months...!!?? So much has changed in these last few weeks and slowly but surely Morgan is starting to be less and less of a baby and more of a.. human.. Well she's always been a human, you know what I mean! It's just crazy watching her personality come out more, I love it so much. She's starting to be so much more aware of her surroundings, she loves crawling all over the house and checking out everything! She even plays more independently now, that's bittersweet! Okay enough with the dramatics and on to the update :)
Look at that little cutie!! She's rockin' her top knot from Moo Buggy & Amber teething necklace that I picked up locally at a store called Simple Cloth, the brand is Momma Goose.
New this month:
You are 15lbs 12 oz, 25.5 inches long
You have 0 teeth
You pull up on everything
You walk using your walker
You crawl SO fast
You're in 6 month clothes and a few 9 month outfits
You wake up a once at night to eat
You usually nap once a day, sometimes twice
You eat little bites of whatever we eat, you love pancakes!
You don't like baby food anymore, you'd rather feed yourself :)
You love to dance--> Super cute video of it
You love to chase after the dogs
You say "mama" "dada" and "baba", along with other gibberish! You're very vocal
...and what would our photo shoots be without some silly faces?! These might be my favorite part :)
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
What I'm doing Wednesday!
So I was tagged by my lovely mama friend Rachel (if you aren't following her blog, well... stop that nonsense and follow it)! So this tag came at a perfect time, today I decided a little photo shoot with miss Morgan was a long over due so we were just playing around in the living room and I was practicing with my indoor lighting photography skills (or lack there of....) So that's what I am doing today with my sweet little one, here are some of the results:
How cute is she?! I know I'm a little biased because I'm her mother... but sometimes I can't even handle it! Or as some would say...."I can't even" ;)
Hahah she's pretty skeptical... ya?
If I could give one piece of advise to new moms, expecting moms and even people who just plan on having kids someday... take A LOT of pictures!! You will not regret it! Spam your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter! Whatever it is you use, or just keep them on your computer... either way, take them! I try to do a "photo shoot" type thing with Morgan at least monthly, plus I take pictures of her pretty much daily on my cellphone. I love being able to look back and see how much she has changed and grown and I cannot wait to show her all the pictures when she is older :) This goes for videos as well! I'm trying to be better about that myself, I've even been throwing around the idea of starting some sort of "vlog"... but we'll see! (yes? no? input is appreciated). So any who, that was kind of my "What am I doing Wednesday" with some advice! Hope you enjoyed, Thank you for tagging me and inspiring me to write this Rachel! You rock ;) <3
*Here's how photo shoots with a curious baby really go*
8 Month Update!
Holy smokes! I don't even know where the time is going anymore. This update is a little late due to the holidays and just being busy, but Morgan turned 8 months last month!! Can you believe it?? I definitely can't! So here is her update!
New this month:
- You are 15lbs, 25 inches long!
- Still no teeth!
- You can say "baba"
- You get around by army crawling
- You wave at yourself in the mirror
- You shake your head "no"
- You started pulling yourself up to stand against various items (couch, toys, boxes etc).
- You can get yourself into the sitting position without any help
- You love to try new foods off Mommy and Daddy's plate.
- You wake up a couple times a night to eat, but for the most part you have been sleeping well.
Morgan Raelynn we love you so much, watching you grow up is so fun! Even though it's going by fast, I am cherishing every moment I have with you. I know some day you won't wake up in the middle of the night for snuggles and as much as I miss my sleep sometimes, I know i'm going to miss that more. xoxo
You trying to crawl!
Look how mobile and independent you are! :)
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